Interesting title...I remember last year when I was introduced to this term. My bedroom at home was bright blue, with writing on the walls, a Sweet 16 poster hanging up and mismatched picture frames and knick knacks from Junior High and High School. It was decided that since my bedroom would eventually turn into a guest room, it needed to be re-done and my parents were willing to chip in to make it happen. We painted it and I spent lots of time (and money, if I do say so) to decorate it and make it look "grown up." It was at this point that my mother introduced me to the term "nesting." Nesting, in more terms or less, is settling down and getting acquainted with your surroundings. Ever since last summer, (and some intermittent visits to I have been "nesting." Recently, it has gotten really bad.
This weekend I spent a relaxing day at the pool and needed something to read, so I decided to buy a decorating magazine! This one seemed applicable because it gave great suggestions on how to effectively store your belongings and get organized! I for one, LOVED THIS! I was even able to tear out pages I liked, circle items, and make small comments next to it so I could remember it for the future!
I also spent a great deal of time on the dollar rack at Michaels, and among some of my purchases were..
...these recipe cards for $0.20 each. YES, THAT'S RIGHT, $0.20 EACH!! I died inside because I have been meaning to buy some cheap recipe cards for awhile and this was just what I needed, and on a great budget! I also found a very nice black foldable on sale at Office Max for $5 so I bought this to store all my recipes!
I spent most of tonight going through my mom's recipe book and pulling out recipes that I knew I would use this upcoming year, and in my future endeavors!
So now, you should all come visit me in Manhattan and I can cook you a nice meal with a refreshing beverage and yummy dessert, and then we can talk about decorating ideas! Yay, what fun! :)
Until then,
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me read your magazine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) It sounds like it could be my second love!
ReplyDeleteI will be living with you in Manhattan…no need to visit. But you may still cook for me with all your new recipes!