Good Evening (night??),
Week 1 of work is over and I am still awake right now, which is incredibly surprising given that these kids are emotionally DRAINING!! However exhausted I may be at the end of the day, it is all worth it. These kids (the 20 that I have met already, this number will double next week) are incredible kids! They are respectful, have undeniable manners, and play together wonderfully (for the most part). Sure, kids will be kids so there are moments where I don't hear "thank you" or they are arguing over who gets to read with the pretty "zebra striped pillow" but for the most part they are great kids who are looking forward to an awesome summer :) Every week I am going to try and track the funny comments I hear so I can blog about them, because let's get real, kids are hilarious. I will give you the funny quote, followed by the story. I hope it entertains you as much as it did me :)
Day 1:
"No I get the top bunk and you can crash on the floor because that's what you do in college when you have a book report due."
The kids each have a pillow they get for free reading time, however since we only had 20 kids this week, we had lots of extra pillows. A group of 3 girls going into 4th grade created a "Book Club" where they each read a book and write a summary of each chapter (golly, as a future educator I was BEAMING as they were doing this all on their own!) They created a pile of pillows and called it their "bunk beds" as they worked on their book reports, which is where this quote was said. To be honest, this is not far from the truth. I can remember many late nights freshman year in room 238 where Breanne, Steph, Whitney and I were all crammed in my room attempting to get some homework done :)
Day 2:
"This is scary, am I going to die here in this room, right now? Everyone assume the correct positions."
We had some bad weather earlier this week, and the tornado sirens went off around 11 AM on Tuesday. We quickly got the kids into one of the director's office downstairs and closed the door as we waited for the tornado to pass. The kids were freaking out, as you could expect, and a precious little boy who is going into 1st grade was worried that this tornado would be the death of him. After saying the above statement, he quickly knelt down and covered his neck with his hands and assumed the "correct position." It was so endearing and it made me fall in love with this cute blondie :)
Day 3:
"I'm sorry Miss Brittany, but it was a sneak attack water puddle. I couldn't help it."
We took the kids to the park the day after it had rained an extensive amount. We specifically told them not to go anywhere near the mud or any puddles. Within 10 minutes of being at the park, the same kid I talked about above with the tornado story was running around with his shoes off. When I went up to him and asked why his shoes were off he said the above statement. It was one of those moments where it took everything that was in me to not bust up laughing. Instead, I calmly said, "Okay buddy, we will dry them off when we get back to the church." Priceless moment, this stuff is so not scripted.
Day 4:
"No no, it's an underwater roller coaster, DUH!"
A new kid to the camp this year, has a wild imagination! He is constantly off playing by himself and creating extravagant stories and characters. We were coloring and he was avidly drawing a picture...he even had his tongue out which is a true sign of an artist hard at work. One of the little girls were quite confused about what his picture was of, so he responded with the above statement. HA, it was awesome. He could be one of the funniest kids I know. He's great.
Day 5:
"Well in my house my mom cooks, my brother and I do the dishes, and my dad sits on his butt and watches sports center."
On the bus back from the pool today we were talking about the roles of men and women in the house. A going to be 3rd grade girl said her family was a little different than others. She followed by saying the above statement. We laughed and with the straightest face ever she said "You think I'm kidding...well I'm not. That's all he does..hogs the TV with sports center alllll theeee timmmmeeeee." HAHA, I laughed out loud at that one, I couldn't help it. I so badly wanted to say, "Well, your dad sounds like the typical American man," but I refrained. She will learn that lesson sooner or later :)
It was a great week, and when we double the kids next week I'm hoping to have double the stories! Have a fabulous long Memorial Day weekend!! :)
Until then,
I HATE that I'm missing out on this! I'm still not up there until maybe the end of next week.