Thursday, April 21, 2011

Limitless: From the Beginning

Well hello blogging world,

Lately, I have been looking for a way to escape reality. No, no, not LITERALLY escape reality (I have a year of schooling left, that wouldn't be the smartest decision now would it?) I just want and need to have "me" time. I feel like my life is spent working on a projects, going to work, and doing a thousand things a minute. I was looking for a way to not only help me procrastinate on my schoolwork, but also a way to feel like it was a productive use of "me time." So what better than a blog?! I love writing, I feel like I'm fairly good at it, and although no one in the WORLD would care to read this, it is something that makes me feel good and it is a productive use of my time, so I am going for it!

I don't really know what this blog will entail. Maybe some inspirational thoughts, maybe some moments of anger when I just need to vent, and maybe it will just be a pathway to sharing a piece of my life with the cyber world. Who knows, but this is my trial run and hopefully it is successful!

As I starting signing up for this thing it said "Blog Name." Whoa, whoa, whao, I DON'T DO creative blog names. How in the world am I even supposed to think of a creative name? I searched around online and found some, but nothing that really floated my boat. And then it hit me...Limitless. I really love this word for so many reasons. Being a future educator, I believe that with your students, the possibilities are limiltess. There is no dream that is too big, or no goal that is too far for a student of mine to reach. So limitless fits. It fits me, it fits my future, so that's what I'm going with.

I just glanced at the clock and it is 4:23, meaning I have exactly 7 minutes to get to my Special Ed class that seems to drag on and on for centuries. Sounds like fun, right? I hope you have a wonderful night and enjoy it more than I will as I learn about data based instruction and behavior goals :(

Until then,


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