Thursday, April 28, 2011

Teaching Successes

Well hello again,

It has been awhile since I updated this thing, apparently I wasn't meant to be a "consistent blogger." Oh well, I will do my best to not hold you in suspense in the future, because I will attempt to regularly update this, but I can make no promises!

It has once again, been a crazy week full of adventure! Easter was fantastic. I got to spend some quality time with the family eating a marvelous lunch at Houlihans (we got a three course meal for $14 bucks..what a deal!) I worked on some online quizzes and homework and such with my mother since she is basically the goddess of teaching, and then finished off the night watching some specials on the Royal Wedding on TLC. And while I am on this topic let me just say, the Royal Wedding is not dumb, boring, or annoying, it is EPIC!!! No, it is not our country and you are right, it does not directly affect me in ANY way, but it is still interesting and exciting and best yet, it's a wedding so who wouldn't be excited to learn more?!?!

Yesterday was my last day of Practicum with my 4th graders and it was kind of sad to leave them! I never really thought I would get into working with kids of that age (I prefer the younger least I think I do) but I did! I enjoyed their enthusiasm for learning and it was refreshing that they actually UNDERSTOOD things the first time I said them! Directions had to only be repeated twice instead of 5-6 times, the students could line up in a matter of seconds (literally) and they were able to grasp higher level concepts (aka, I actually felt like I learned some stuff too!) Not to mention my cooperating teacher was AMAZING and gave my group the highest of praise when we were done with Practicum, and even bought us a little gift at the end! I am doing my best to build as many connections as possible because you never know when they will come in handy in the future!

Well, I must be going now because the BF is waiting for me to have some much needed chill time this afternoon! Enjoy this beautiful day wherever you may be!

Until then,


PS: Little tid bit of knowledge for you, did you know that mealworms turn into BLACK BEETLES when they get to the adult stage? SICKKKKKK!!! We are doing a science experiment with mealworms, and I have a feeling when I look in my capsule tomorrow I will see a disgusting beetle instead of a cute little mealworm. YUCK.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wedding Buzz

Wedding-ness is in the air! I got the opportunity to visit Mildale Farm tonight and babysit for one of my literacy professor's at KSU bridal party. It was a night full of excitement and fun as my friend Sarah and I got to watch the bride get dressed, the wedding coordinator set the tables up, and the groomsmen drive by in a black pick up as they had just finished fishing IN THEIR SUITS, before the big moment arrived. I was filled with excitment for the couple (even though I had never met either of them until today) because a wedding is such a fun and joyful time in anyone's life!

This just got me even more excited than I already was to marry my love. Although the wedding hoopla is rather exciting and as a girl I am so excited to get my creative juices flowing as I plan my dream wedding, I am even more excited for the life after the "I do's." I can't wait for the house that will be filled with the love that Cameron and I have for each other. I can't wait for the random nights that we stay up all night talking and sleep in until 11 AM and I get to wake up next to him the next day, and every day after that. I can't wait for the life we will build as man and wife. Yes, I am getting ahead of myself, but it is something I look forward to every day and since I was filled with "Wedding Buzz" tonight I felt this post was appropriate.

Tomorrow is Easter, so get your bootay to church and never forget the real reason for the holiday.

Until then,


Crucified, laid behind a stone,
You lived to die, rejected and alone.
Like a rose, trampled on the ground
You took the fall and thought of me
Above all.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Limitless: From the Beginning

Well hello blogging world,

Lately, I have been looking for a way to escape reality. No, no, not LITERALLY escape reality (I have a year of schooling left, that wouldn't be the smartest decision now would it?) I just want and need to have "me" time. I feel like my life is spent working on a projects, going to work, and doing a thousand things a minute. I was looking for a way to not only help me procrastinate on my schoolwork, but also a way to feel like it was a productive use of "me time." So what better than a blog?! I love writing, I feel like I'm fairly good at it, and although no one in the WORLD would care to read this, it is something that makes me feel good and it is a productive use of my time, so I am going for it!

I don't really know what this blog will entail. Maybe some inspirational thoughts, maybe some moments of anger when I just need to vent, and maybe it will just be a pathway to sharing a piece of my life with the cyber world. Who knows, but this is my trial run and hopefully it is successful!

As I starting signing up for this thing it said "Blog Name." Whoa, whoa, whao, I DON'T DO creative blog names. How in the world am I even supposed to think of a creative name? I searched around online and found some, but nothing that really floated my boat. And then it hit me...Limitless. I really love this word for so many reasons. Being a future educator, I believe that with your students, the possibilities are limiltess. There is no dream that is too big, or no goal that is too far for a student of mine to reach. So limitless fits. It fits me, it fits my future, so that's what I'm going with.

I just glanced at the clock and it is 4:23, meaning I have exactly 7 minutes to get to my Special Ed class that seems to drag on and on for centuries. Sounds like fun, right? I hope you have a wonderful night and enjoy it more than I will as I learn about data based instruction and behavior goals :(

Until then,
